A cunning hacker appears!

Hacker News digest

Show me the best stories with a score of at least that are at least hours old and from the last days.

Limited to 50 stories (≈20 per day). More were found.

Obituary for a quiet life (2023) (bittersoutherner.com)
278 comments 2 days, 1655 points
The darker side of being a doctor (drericlevi.substack.com)
459 comments 2 days, 1050 points
Visualizing Attention, a Transformer's Heart [video] (www.3blue1brown.com)
162 comments 33 hours, 1038 points
T-Mobile employees across the country receive cash offers to illegally swap SIMs (tmo.report)
361 comments 12 hours, 773 points
Summers: Inflation Reached 18% in 2022 Using the Government's Previous Formula (www.forbes.com)
384 comments 2 days, 724 points
The FCC needs to stop 5G fast lanes (cyberlaw.stanford.edu)
304 comments 2 days, 721 points
Embezzlers Are Nice People (2017) (www.stimmel-law.com)
281 comments 16 hours, 700 points
Tesla Cybertruck deliveries halted for 7 days (www.barrons.com)
342 comments 19 hours, 616 points
Redis re-implemented with SQLite (github.com)
115 comments 44 hours, 581 points
PuTTY vulnerability vuln-p521-bias (www.chiark.greenend.org.uk)
150 comments 13 hours, 560 points
Neon Serverless Postgres is generally available (neon.tech)
201 comments 19 hours, 505 points
Ford Mustang Mach-E using BlueCruise at time of crash: NTSB (fordauthority.com)
356 comments 2 days, 504 points
show Show HN: PostgreSQL index advisor (github.com)
95 comments 2 days, 499 points
show Show HN: Building a GPS receiver (axleos.com)
94 comments 18 hours, 497 points
show Show HN: I made a tool to clean and convert any webpage to Markdown (markdowndown.vercel.app)
93 comments 37 hours, 496 points
A tiny ultrabright laser that can melt steel (spectrum.ieee.org)
186 comments 23 hours, 483 points
An FDA approved device offers a new treatment for tinnitus (www.npr.org)
159 comments 18 hours, 433 points
show Show HN: My $1k self-install, off-grid solar backup build for renters (sunboxlabs.com)
211 comments 2 days, 421 points
Kate editor on all platforms (cullmann.io)
126 comments 39 hours, 416 points
Hospitals that make profits should pay taxes (www.statnews.com)
178 comments 40 hours, 415 points
Phone conversations with law enforcement can be recorded without their consent (www.orlandoweekly.com)
142 comments 13 hours, 401 points
AI made these movies sharper – critics say it ruined them (www.nytimes.com)
236 comments 37 hours, 396 points
Tree-shaking, the horticulturally misguided algorithm (2023) (wingolog.org)
141 comments 2 days, 382 points
A day in the life of a Walmart manager (www.wsj.com)
232 comments 42 hours, 372 points
Sleep apnea: Mouthguards less invasive, just as effective as CPAP (newatlas.com)
159 comments 28 hours, 370 points
My cat alerted me to a DDoS attack (www.dannyguo.com)
103 comments 36 hours, 359 points
Research into why some people have a better sense of direction (knowablemagazine.org)
192 comments 2 days, 353 points
self ask Ask HN: I want to create IMDB for open source projects
132 comments 17 hours, 342 points
We are moving to General Availability (supabase.com)
94 comments 21 hours, 340 points
Problem with selling developer tools is that devs have no purchasing authority (twitter.com)
148 comments 2 days, 323 points
Is .NET just miles ahead or am I delusional? (old.reddit.com)
180 comments 2 days, 321 points
Personal VPN services are snake oil (httpscolonforwardslashforwardslashwwwdotzoltanbalazsdotcom.com)
180 comments 37 hours, 309 points
Spectral Ray Tracing (larswander.com)
38 comments 33 hours, 305 points
A shrub in Nepal supplies the raw material for the bank notes used in Japan (www.nytimes.com)
82 comments 27 hours, 285 points
A disgruntled federal employee's 1980s desk calendar (2018) (www.theparisreview.org)
74 comments 2 days, 279 points
The purge of German science in 1933 (www.privatdozent.co)
163 comments 22 hours, 279 points
Old CSS, new CSS (2020) (eev.ee)
93 comments 2 days, 276 points
WireViz: Easily document cables and wiring harnesses (github.com)
44 comments 33 hours, 274 points
Beautifying Org Mode in Emacs (2018) (zzamboni.org)
59 comments 25 hours, 270 points
Sandboxing all the things with Flatpak and BubbleBox (www.ralfj.de)
99 comments 37 hours, 256 points
Discovering my roommate's death on Facebook (medium.com)
90 comments 38 hours, 256 points
Ramanujan's lost notebook (en.wikipedia.org)
52 comments 13 hours, 256 points
350 tons of of chocolate and wine arrive on world’s largest cargo sailboat (untappedcities.com)
127 comments 2 days, 248 points
RFC: Banning "AI"-backed (LLM/GPT/whatever) contributions to Gentoo (www.mail-archive.com)
104 comments 23 hours, 247 points
Tesla to lay off more than 10% of its staff (www.reuters.com)
138 comments 22 hours, 236 points
self ask Ask HN: What movies changed your perception of reality or life?
158 comments 34 hours, 235 points
The Guide to Stock Options Conversations (zaidesanton.substack.com)
90 comments 44 hours, 231 points
The Airship to Orbit Project (www.jpaerospace.com)
86 comments 36 hours, 221 points
Getting the Grid to Net Zero (spectrum.ieee.org)
112 comments 20 hours, 220 points
Good news against dengue (www.science.org)
57 comments 38 hours, 219 points

Score explanation: [HN score] + [number of comments] = [total score]